How To Help my Baby Crawl

The first years of a child’s life are so exciting and filled with new developments. From discovering new tastes and smells to experiencing their first steps and language development, there is much that occurs over those precious first years. One of the largest steps of development is learning to be mobile. From rolling to sitting, and crawling to walking, it may seem like a daunting task to first-time parents. Our pediatric physical therapy team is here to provide you with useful resources to use as a guideline when watching your young one grow. Are you here to learn more about how to help my baby crawl? Read to learn more about crawling and gait development from your pediatric physical therapy near me.

Crawling Background

According to Pampers, many babies begin to learn to crawl between seven months and 10 months of age. The first and most important element to keep in mind is that each baby is unique! Development looks different for every child, and it is expected that some may vary from this timeline. However, if your child is abnormally delayed in gait development, give Peak Physical Therapy a call to figure out any underlying conditions that may be preventing your child from reaching their crawling stage.

There are a few tell-tale signs that may indicate that your baby is ready to learn to crawl. These signs include:

  • Wiggling across the floor on their belly
  • Pushing themselves around with their legs
  • Pulling their body across the floor with their arms
  • Grabbing feet while they’re lying on their back
  • Pushing backward when they’re on all fours
  • Digging in with the knees and launching forward when on all fours

There are many different variations of crawling, and there is no one best way to crawl! Our pediatric physical therapy team recommends keeping an eye on which ways your baby prefers to crawl and using those physical habits to your strength when teaching your baby how to crawl. Now that we’ve gone through the crawling basics, let our team help you learn how to help my baby crawl!

How to Help your Baby Crawl

Tummy Time

One of the most beneficial ways to help your child learn to crawl is by giving them ample opportunities to begin learning! Our physical therapy Braintree MA center recommends giving your child plenty of tummy time to help your baby’s muscle development. This development will aid them when it comes time to start crawling. The arms, legs, back, and neck muscles are all used when crawling, and those muscles are being worked while your child is participating in tummy time.

Using Toys as Motivators

Use your surroundings and resources to your advantage, parents! Our pediatric physical therapy experts recommend placing your child’s favorite toys in front of them during tummy time or during playtime. Place your child in a sitting position on the floor, and move the toys to a place just out of reach for your baby. This may promote your child to move around to reach the toys, teaching them the motor skills necessary to crawl.

Crawl With Your Baby

Just like some adults learn visually, some babies benefit from visual learning as well! Make crawling with your baby a frequent activity during playtime. Group playtime is also beneficial and teaches your child to crawl by the example of other babies who are currently crawling. Our physical therapy Braintree MA center recommends that you don’t overwork your child, and always have positive associations with learning to crawl! If your child is not enjoying the learning experience, provide them with the break that they need to feel comforted and supported.

Peak Physical Therapy | Pediatric Physical Therapy

If you’re seeking pediatric physical therapy near me that will meet your child’s gait and motor development needs and concerns, trust the team at Peak Physical Therapy to provide your child with the care and individualized physical therapy plans that they deserve. Whether you’re looking for extra resources to supplement your child’s learning process or you are concerned about your child’s development, Peak Physical Therapy is prepared to hear you and provide you with up-to-date information backed by scholarly research and solid results. For more information regarding our pediatric physical therapy Braintree MA services, please visit our website or contact us today!

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